Articles Posted in Pinellas County Injury Attorneys


Tampa Bay Injury Lawyer :: Florida Lawmakers Want Tampa Teen Drivers to Put Their Cellphones Away

Florida lawmakers have recently proposed a new bill that would ban anyone under the age of 18 from using electronic devices while driving in Florida. This means teens would not be allowed to make calls, use Facebook or any other website while driving. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…


Pinellas County Auto Accident Attorney :: Two Seriously Injured in Crash Caused by Wrong-Way Driver on I-275 in Pinellas County

A wrong-way driving accident seriously injured two people and closed the southbound lanes of the Howard Frankland Bridge earlier this month. The crash happened just after 6 a.m. on July 14. According to the Florida Highway patrol, a 21-year-old Plant City woman entered I-275 driving a 2012 Scion north in…


Tampa Bay Motorcycle Accident Attorney :: Weaker Helmet Laws Blamed for Rise in Motorcycle Injuries

Over the past 15 years, motorcycle deaths have risen across the United States and seem to have reached an all-time high of more than 5,000, which some believe is a direct result of states weakened helmet law requirements. According to a recent insurance industry study, the average medical claim from…


St. Petersburg Car Accident Leaves Woman Injured After Colliding with Tour Bus

A St. Petersburg car accident has left a Clearwater woman critically injured after her car collided with a tour bus carrying a college baseball team travelling from Minnesota for a baseball tournament. According to news reports, the crash occurred during Wednesday rush hour near the corner of 34th Street and…


Tampa Bay Pedestrian Death Attorney :: Eight-Year-Old Girl Struck and Killed by SUV

An eight-year-old Tampa girl was killed earlier this month after she was hit by an SUV on Busch Boulevard. The third grader underwent surgery after suffering internal and head injuries, but passed away shortly after. According to police, the child was struck in the innermost lane of eastbound traffic, while…


Tampa Bay Injury Lawyer :: New York Mother Files Injury Lawsuit Against Wendy’s for Negligence with Safety Measures

A New York mother and daughter team has filed a personal injury lawsuit against Wendy’s International Inc. and Westbury Properties, LLC, after sustaining serious injuries at their local fast-food restaurant. The mother and her 11-year-old daughter were exiting the restaurant on Dec. 4 when they were struck by the vehicle…


St. Petersburg Boy Injured By Falling Accident at Tropicana Field

Last week, Bay News 9 reported that a toddler fell nearly 15 feet from the top of the stands at Tropicana Field at the East-West Shrine Football Game. St. Petersburg Fire officials say that the boy crawled between part of the stadium’s permanent seating and make-shift stands for the event,…

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