Sharing the road with large trucks can be frightening, and also very dangerous. Large trucks, including semis and tractor trailers, are particularly dangerous when they are traveling too close to the cars in front of them at a high rate of speed. If you have ever experienced this while driving…
Articles Posted in Truck Accidents
Spilled Gravel Causes Cars To Crash On I4, 1 Man In Serious Condition
A 24-year-old man is in serious condition after a multi-vehicle crash on I-4 in Hillsborough County Tuesday morning. The Florida Highway Patrol believes a truck traveling northbound on the crosstown connector entered the ramp to travel eastbound on I-4 and spilled a large amount of gravel onto the roadway, causing…
July Is Wrong Way Driving Awareness Month: Stay Right At Night
There were more than 1,400 wrong way crashes in FL in 2015, resulting in 1,454 injuries & 96 fatalities, according to the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. Wrong way driving collisions occur when a vehicle has failed to observe a posted traffic sign or pavement marking and proceeds in…
Avoid Black Friday Shopping Hazards
After a day spent with family and friends feasting and watching football, many Americans will head out for a day filled with holiday shopping, better known these days as Black Friday. Stores throughout the Tampa Bay area have been advertising deals for weeks, and many shoppers will start lining up…
Stay Safe this Labor Day Weekend
For most, Labor Day weekend symbolizes the unofficial end of summer. As a three-day weekend, this gives many Americans the chance to celebrate with friends and family one more time before fall comes around and the weather gets cooler. Whether you plan on taking one last road trip for a…
Semi Crashes into Manatee River
Slick roads are what caused a semi-truck to travel over a bridge in Manatee County and dive into the water. Fortunately, a Good Samaritan saw the whole thing and came to the driver’s rescue. After the crash, the truck was crushed, sinking and leaking diesel fluid. The 29-year-old New Jersey…
Two Suffer Minor Injuries in Semi Crash
Two lanes of northbound I-75 were blocked off this morning just south of Riverview after there was an accident involving a semi. According to the Florida Highway Patrol, a 37-year-old Tampa man was driving a 2013 semi north on I-75 at 5:39 a.m. when he lost control of the truck.…
Fourth of July Safety Tips
The Tampa Bay Injury Lawyers at Whittel & Melton would like to wish everyone throughout Tampa and the state of Florida a very happy Fourth of July! During this summer holiday period, many of us celebrate the time with friends and family. As with many other holidays, risks of accidents…
AAA Study Shows Accidents Involving Distracted Teen Drivers on the Rise
Most people recognize that using a cell phone while driving can prove deadly. However, a new AAA study shows that cell phone use is hardly the only activity that may cause you to become involved in a serious auto accident. The most recent research carried out by the AAA Foundation…
Celebrate New Year’s Safely & Avoid Accidents
The start of 2015 is right around the corner, which means it is important to address that the New Year’s holiday is known for being one of the most dangerous times of the year, especially for accidents involving drunk drivers. According to the National Safety Council, in 2014, the three-day…