There are many intersections that are deemed dangerous by Hillsborough County residents, but the latest intersection under scrutiny is the left turn from Maydell Drive to Adamo Drive, just east of 50th Street, especially during rush hour traffic times.
This is an open intersection where motorists must wait for both directions of traffic to clear before they can turn left. Drivers that are sitting in the middle waiting back up traffic on northbound Maydell.
There is no traffic light or turn lane at this busy intersection.
Over half of all crashes resulting in fatalities or injuries happen at or close to intersections, according to data from the Federal Highway Administration. It can be challenging to maneuver through intersections. At any given time, there can be several cars turning or crossing the intersection. If you are hurt in an intersection collision due to another driver’s carelessness, you may be entitled to just compensation for your losses.
What Are the Most Common Types of Intersection Accidents?
The following are a few of the most typical kinds of intersection crashes:
T-Bone Collisions: When two cars collide side by side, creating the letter “T,” the collision is known as a T-bone. These collisions frequently occur when one car turns into the path of approaching vehicles. Because of the minimal safety features on the sides of vehicles, these intersection accidents often result in severe injuries.
Front-End Crashes: These automobile collisions happen when two cars hit each other head-on. For instance, one motorist might not yield to the other’s right of way and collide head-on. Front-end crashes can cause catastrophic injuries due to the force of impact, such as traumatic brain injuries and fractured bones.
Rear-end Collisions: A rear-end collision happens when one vehicle collides with the back of the car in front of it. When drivers are preoccupied or follow too closely, rear-end collisions frequently happen at crossings.
Accidents at Crosswalks: A crosswalk collision occurs when a vehicle runs over a pedestrian in the crosswalk or when other drivers collide with cars that have stopped or slowed for pedestrians at the crossing.
Pile-Up Crashes: Multiple automobiles colliding with one another is known as a pile-up accident. The collision might have been caused by the carelessness of one or more drivers. Without the assistance of an intersection accident lawyer, these crashes can be challenging to handle because they may include numerous accountable parties and insurance companies.
If you were injured in an intersection automobile accident caused by another driver’s negligent actions, such as speeding or distracted driving, you may be entitled to file a personal injury claim to seek compensation for your injuries. If you lost a loved one in an intersection crash, you may be able to seek justice by filing a wrongful death lawsuit.
How Can I Prove Negligence in an Intersection Accident?
Accidents at intersections happen every day. But proving that the collision was caused by the carelessness of another driver can be challenging. By examining the following crash-related evidence, our Tampa Intersection Accident Attorneys at Whittel & Melton can assist in proving negligence:
- Police reports
- Cell phone records (this can show that a negligent driver was sending a text or scrolling through social media at the time of impact)
- Medical records of injuries sustained
- Images or videos from police dash cams and traffic cameras, or photos and videos from your cell phone that you captured of the accident/damages/your injuries
- Evidence from the collision site, including tire tread, destroyed car parts, or skid marks