An 18-year-old man was killed in a motorcycle crash early Monday morning.
Troopers said the motorcyclist crashed into a Pinellas County school bus and died from the injuries he sustained.
The crash occurred just before 7 a.m. at 49th Street N. and 58th Avenue N. in Pinellas County.
Troopers said the man was speeding down 49th Street N. changing lanes multiple times. A school bus transporting seven children to Sawgrass Elementary School was traveling southbound on 49th Street N. and turned east onto 58th Avenue N. well ahead of the motorcycle, which was traveling northbound on 49th St.
Troopers said the man came upon the intersection and changed lanes again to pass another vehicle, and collided with the right rear corner of the school bus on the east side of the intersection.
The man was ejected from his bike and died at the scene.
Troopers said no one on the bus was injured during the crash.
Helmets, protective gear, and making sure to follow all motorcycle safety practices and precautions are all various ways motorcyclists can avoid sustaining injuries in motorcycle crashes. However, motorcyclists share the road with hundreds of larger, heavier vehicles at any given time. All it takes is one mistake from a driver to cause a tragic accident.
Accidents between motorcycles and larger, heavier vehicles rarely end well for the motorcyclist. If the motorcyclist does survive the collision, they usually suffer catastrophic injuries.
Establishing fault in a motorcycle accident can often be a challenge. Auto insurance companies will do everything in their power to try and claim that the motorcyclist was at fault, but that just simply is not always the case. Even the safest of motorcyclists are always at risk due to careless drivers sharing the roadway.
If someone you love was taken from you in a motorcycle accident, you may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit to recover damages. While this cannot bring your loved one back, it can help make sure you are financially taken care of so that you can grieve properly.