Articles Tagged with Tampa


TAMPA, FL – The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that at least one person sustained unspecified injuries following a crash in Orient Park Thursday. 

Before 6 p.m., deputies were summoned to the 9520 block of East Broadway Avenue. They are examining the events leading up to this crash and have not provided details regarding the type of people and vehicles involved, specified the severity of injuries sustained, or said if anyone was taken to the hospital. 

Additional details will be added to this news blog as it becomes available. 

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TAMPA, FL – At least one person sustained injuries in a collision reported at the East Adamo Drive and South Falkenburg intersection Tuesday night. 

The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office arrived at the scene before 7:30 p.m. They are investigating the events leading up to this collision and have not provided more information at this time. 

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TAMPA, FL – A man lost his life following a crash reported after 8:15 p.m. Sunday on the 1500 block of Fowler Avenue in the University Square district. 

The unidentified man succumbed to fatal wounds at the scene despite receiving life-saving measures, according to WTSP

Police shut down Fowler Avenue West to accommodate the scene clearance and investigation process. 

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TAMPA, FL – A man walking across West Gandy Boulevard lost his life after he was hit by a motorist operating a black 2009 Honda Civic Saturday. 

This collision happened before 1:15 a.m. ABC Action News said that for reasons unclear, the man got out of his vehicle before trying to cross the 5100 block of West Gandy. 

After arriving, first responders conducted life-saving measures. However, despite their best efforts, the unidentified man succumbed to fatal injuries at the scene. 


TAMPA, FL – At least one person suffered injuries in a collision reported after 5 p.m. Friday in the University district. 

Hillsborough County deputies said this crash happened at the North Nebraska Avenue and East Fletcher Avenue intersection.

It is not immediately clear what brought about this collision. In addition, officials have not specified how many people and vehicles were involved or specified what kind of injuries were sustained. 

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TAMPA, FL – Florida Highway Patrol said one lane is blocked on the Howard Franklin Bridge due to a crash reported before 6:30 p.m. Thursday. 

Troopers have just arrived at the scene and have not yet indicated the events that led up to the crash specified the kinds of vehicles and people involved, said if anyone was injured, or revealed how long the lane closure will last. 

More information will be provided as it becomes available. 

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TAMPA, FL – A collision has cleared on the eastbound lanes of Courtney Campbell Causeway Wednesday. 

Despite the clearance, drivers are experiencing some heavy delays and are only able to get by using only one lane, according to WTSP

Motorists approaching the area can use the Howard Franklin Bridge or Gandy Bridge to avoid the traffic backup. 

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TAMPA, FL – Tampa Police revealed that at least one person sustained serious wounds in a collision on I-275 North Sunday, according to WFLA

This crash happened along northbound MLK Jr. Blvd and the southbound I-275 and Hillsborough Avenue junction. 

Florida Highway Patrol and police began an investigation but have not released other details at this time. 

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TAMPA, FL – At least one person suffered wounds in a collision in the East Lake-Orient Park area Monday evening. 

Florida Highway Patrol was made aware of this crash at 6:31 p.m. and arrived at the scene at 6:35 p.m. 

Troopers are examining the sequence of events that led up to this crash and have not specified the severity of injuries sustained or described the people and vehicles involved in this motor vehicle accident. 

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TAMPA, FL – A 19-year-old teenager stood outside his disabled car on an I-275 shoulder when he was struck by an alleged DUI driver, leading him to fall over a barrier wall. 

This collision happened on I-275 North near I-4 on Sunday. Florida Highway Patrol and the Tampa Police Department told WTSP that the driver, suspected of impairment, lost control of his Infiniti sedan during rainy conditions. The motorist, later identified as 23-year-old Dane Jones, struck the unidentified 19-year-old teenager and his car. 

After the teen went over the barrier wall, first responders rushed him to a hospital for treatment of serious wounds. 

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